Awww!!! Thank you so much for your comments!!

Lisa - thank you! (and thanks again for the beta!) I'm so glad you think I did a good job with Lois. I was more than a little afraid to mess her up. She's not exactly easy to write, especially at the 1st person. Oi!

Jessi - squee!! thank you!
I love that she knows she could take advantage of the strongest man on Earth.
*lol* yeah, but she's not gonna. I mean... he's *Superman*. Now, if it had been Clark... Oh, wait a second - it IS Clark. Hahaha! wink

gr8shadesofElvis - thanks! I'm happy this made you smile! Sorry that you had to go to work... I've been here all day myself - can't say I like it any more than you do. *lol*

C. - awww! you have no idea what your comments mean to me. (*squee*!) Thank you so much!

Laura - first of all, thank you for this wonderful idea of organizing a ficathon. I can't wait to see everyone else's stories. smile
I always wanted to see more fan fiction based on "The Eyes Have It" and this was just perfect.
Blame Sue. wink It wouldn't have been my first choice of an episode to rewrite anything from... This said, I'm really glad I did it. (and, OMG, have you guys seen the hip-sways in that ep? One word: WHOA!)

Alcyone - heeee! I knew you'd like a 1st person fic. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for the FDK.

Suuuuuue! smile1 'Ya know, I had the hardest time keeping this from you and I'm sure lucky I'm back home, because my poker face sucks and I would have given myself away in a second and a half!
At one point I even hinted that we should swap stories but she didn't didn't go for it.
Well... duh. *lol* That said, considering comedy is what I find easiest to write - and WAFF in your case - if I hadn't been assigned to write a story for you, I would seriously have considered begging Laura and Selinde for a chance to switch. wink

(Heh - and I even went back and reread EVERYTHING Laura had said about the ficathon and was baffled that I couldn't find a secrecy oath in it)
AH! But the message *I* got had a little note in it that said "shhhh! don't tell her." I didn't even have to make that up. hehehe!

I spent ALL DAY yesterday harassing her about sending me the story. No, it wasn't done. It wasn't done...
...and harass me she did... you have no idea. Every 10 minutes or so, she asked again. No wonder I wasn't done! *giggles madly*

And then she deftly changed the subject in a manner that would have made Clark Kent weep with envy.
Weep? Am I allowed to hug him, if he weeps? heeee!

Seriously.. considering I have no poker face and I really suck at coming up with realistic excuses for anything (then again, how realistic is the Cheese of the Month Club, I wonder?) I'm very surprised I was even able to fool you at all.

I could SO not pull off a secret identity!

And then I saw this: This ficathon challenge story was written for Sue S. Like Lois in ATAI, I blinked back a few tears and sucked in a deep breath to realize that the person I thought I knew so well had been keeping such a big secret from me. When I unfroze, er, woke up this morning, the shock that she so effectively side-stepped me for days was still as new. Man, you think you know a gal...

No matter whose request you had - I just *knew* you were going to find a way to work in Batman.
Hey, it's just a bat. No man. And I didn't work it in - the writers did, it's in the show! But, oh yeah, I admit it's why I picked *that* scene, of the three that I might have picked from that ep. (besides, be honest, you like the fact that I've got a bit of an obsession with Batman. Go on, tell them!)

"It's too small and much too hard."
Heh. I guess there are some things you can only say in a beta after all. wink
*dies of laughter*

You'll have to explain which "story" you meant, when you said you wanted to see that, next. Because I'm not getting it. ...maybe I'm galactically stupid, too. *g*

OMG! Is that familiar or what? That's right, people! Not only did she lie and deceive me, but she actually asked for help with a train of thought and I provided it to her, never knowing...
Well... Well... I started off by asking Jessi - but she was as clueless as I was. So I started to ask you - before I realized if I did that, you'd figure me out. And then when I was really desperate for a line and I couldn't make it work, I did ask. I had my fingers crossed as I typed my request, because I was sure you'd see right through me. heeeeeee!!!

Thanks, Sue! smile And I'm beyond thrilled that you enjoyed this!!

Tahu - thank you!

Sheila - thanks! glad you liked it!

Ann! Thank you!!
Does he think she is rejecting him? Does he think that she has no use for him now that he is blind and imperfect?
Oh, goodness no! He just thinks she might have found his request unreasonable. This isn't just Superman, after all - it's Clark, too. And the last thing he would want to do is impose on anyone, I'm pretty darn sure of that. He's much to sweet and well behaved and considerate to do such a thing.

It was interesting, however, that she would end up wishing that it was Clark who was sharing her bed instead. I wonder why.
Just because, by this point she's already realized she has feelings for him. In the episode that precedes this one (Metallo) the very last scene suggests it -- Superman tells her she's done something really brave, going to Clark's rescue. And she admits there's nothing she wouldn't do for him. As Superman leaves, he says they're lucky to have each other. And Lois picks up the phone to call Clark - who, obviously, isn't home... But you already know by then that Lois has real feelings for Clark, so I just exploited that a little bit more.

Does it make more sense?

Angie - thank you! I totally agree, waff and giggles make a wonderful combination.

Thanks, everyone! I truly appreciate that you took the time to let me know what you thought of this little story.

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies