You know I adore this, Lara! They're just both so endearing and so human here, and I love the awkwardness of their confessions and the sweet simplicity of her realization that, having had her fantasy handed to her, she now wishes it were Clark with her instead.

He gives me a grateful smile. In the glow of the moonlight pouring through my window, he looks so vulnerable. It's hard to imagine that this is the same man who's destroyed an asteroid, prevented a tsunami, and fought off countless foes in the past year or so since he arrived in Metropolis. I'm overcome by a wave of tenderness and I can't help myself – I reach a little closer to him and just barely brush my lips against his forehead.
What a gorgeous paragraph! I love the idea of her being overcome by tenderness - such a different feeling than she's ever had for Superman before.

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! clap
