"To your right a little bit," I tell him. "And then come straight in."

In the excitement, I've managed to forget that what's at my right is to his left and so when he flies forward into my apartment, he goes right through the closed window instead of the open one. He smashes the glass and lands abruptly in my living room.

"Or to the left," I say, feeling like an absolute idiot.
Oh well. <g>

"You sleep?" I say, without thinking. I regret it immediately. I'll be lucky if that sounded only half as stupid as I think it did.

For a second, I honestly expected he'd give me the 1-800 number for National Superhero Assistance.
"National Superhero Assistance Hotline, this is Robin speaking, what is your emergency..."

And yes, Lois, it was half as stupid as it sounds, but only in the I'm-not-known-for-thinking-before-I-speak sort of way. <g>

But right this second, as insane as it sounds, the only thing I'm thinking... is that I wish I were with Clark, instead.
Okay, where's the "The ending just killed!" graemlin? Amazing.

It was perfect. Really, I haven't seen the episode in some time, so all I remembered was the window elimination, but this was just perfect, really because Lois was perfect. She's just full of jittery, babbly, I Have to Take Care of a Blind Superhero?! and I Can't Believe I Just Said That... nerves. Great job! AND the biggest perk of my life (I can't believe I didn't start with this) ... it was Lois' POV.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy