I have been going *nuts* for 2 days when I couldn't get into this site to post feedback!!! Finally, it's up. It got unstable once more this aft, so I'll post quickly.
I really enjoyed the interaction between Lois and Clark (hmmm, a familiar ring there) as they try to get out of their predicament. My experience with crises is that you support the partner to get out of the problem and *then* get mad.
That said, I have been OBSESSED, I say OBSESSED, with where they are around Las Vegas. Hubby and I have spent hours on the computer trying to find matching scenes. We have a little extra interest since he was on Mine Search and Rescue and he used to retrieve mob hit bodies out of areas around Vegas. (It's true, I swear!) We have some ideas. I'm going to post this now and come back with pics later or maybe after the next part.
Artemis smile1

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History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis