which you proclaimed as too long to read when you commented on my vignette
I "proclaimed" it? lol You make it sound like I waved my hand in the air and sniffed and yawned and said, "too long". But seriously - when is a 35 part story (I checked) not a major time investment? I didn't mean to insult you when I put that in your FDK, I just wanted to let you know that I had enjoyed your vignette but I wouldn't be able to invest the time that a 35-part story would take. My apologies if you thought I was being rude. grovel

I'm not really sure I see the correlation between Clark's features and reactions during sex and Lois stealing his pens and snitching his french fries (the passage you compared it to). I was simply trying to convey something like Lara had mentioned - how surreal it was for her to discover that she had done all those mundane (and sometimes rude) things to Superman.
that whole "WOW!" thing when I realize (for the millionth time) that Clark is Superman.
I know just what you mean, Lara! I, too, seem to suffer from temporary amnesia when it comes to the revelation. It's my favorite thing to write - there are just so many ways that it could happen, so many roads to go down. And it amazes me afresh each time when I look through Lois' eyes and realize that the ordinary guy she eats lunch with every day is the same guy who flies around the city on a whim. I don't think you're deranged. Or I'm just glad that we're suffering from the same insanity. <g>
i have to admit i was pretty surprised she didnt blow up even the tiniest bit.
I thought about having her go ballistic, but it seemed like overkill. In these circumstances, he's being punished enough already.

Yvonne, I'm glad you liked the pictures. I hope your headache has disappeared! <hugs>

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis