Wheee! Another night of no internet connection and the wondering/waiting game. To come in this morning and find all this... I'm beyond happy! But, since I am at work, I'll have to try and be brief...
It's just like the Superman movies. Superman has to give up his powers to be married to Lois. That's it. I'm sure it is.
Ha! Would you believe I hadn't even thought of that angle? But that is kind of fun, in a way. Thanks so much for the thoughts and prayers, Elisabeth. They're very much appreciated. sloppy
It reminds me of how Lois thinks about how they are different -- and the same -- in my story after she finds out.
What story is that? Heck, if you're going to plug your story in a thread, you should at least tell us which story it is. wink
I loved how Lois and Clark were so considerate of one another and how she didn't get angry with him over the whole Superman thing. I guess she decided that there were plenty more important things to waste her energy on, huh?
Anna, I thought about having her righteously angry over the whole thing. But then I thought about how it would feel when they've both already been through so much. It would have been too over-the-top to make her angry. Really, how can she possibly punish him when Mickey's men have done all the dirty work for her? He's only got two things left to lose - her and his life.
He's even editing her copy...still.
Bonus points to Sheila for making the connection! I thought that was a fun way to explain why they couldn't use the cacti for water, plus it gave her an opportunity to needle him later when she asked: "Are you telling me that you've never studied the mines of the Southwest?" Heh.
They are both wanting to relay that there is more to their friendship than just friendship. It's all just so complicated. It's almost as if one wants the other to know how he feel just in case they don't make it out.
That's exactly what's going on! More bonus points for Sheila! It is complicated - no one wants to be the one who reveals too much.
I'm so currious about what caused Clark to lose his powers. . .you are going to let them figure it out eventally aren't you ? And let us know?
Yes, Vonceil. I promise. laugh
He's really lucky that the one there had water in it, the one I got to go in this summer was mostly cut by wind and was dry as a bone.
True that. I've hiked in the canyon they're in multiple times and sometimes the spring is active and sometimes it isn't. But, honestly, they couldn't have survived all the way to Friday morning without water in that heat.
So was it the dirt that made Clark loose his powers??
He seems to think so.
Wonder, though, why the badguys are so desperate to find them? They should know that Lois and Clark are both injured, and that their chances of survival in the desert are small. Okay, I guess Mickey and his goons might be implicated if Lois and Clark's bodies are found, and possibly also if these relatively well-known reporters just disappear.
Mickey was meeting up with a goon who had been made to leave Metropolis (Big Joe). At the beginning of the story L/C are theorizing that maybe Big Joe is trying to make a comeback. The possibility that two of Metropolis' crack reporters might make a comeback of their own is a loose end that Mickey can't have. L/C may not have known anything when they were shot, but they certainly could implicate Mickey and the others in several crimes now. Mickey is cursing himself for not taking them straight out to the desert when he found them, but he had wanted to find out what they knew first. Now there are witnesses all over Vegas who saw them together, he paid for their room and they've just disappeared? You bet he's desperate to find them. Find them and make sure that no one else ever finds them again.
I bet the stars are amazingly bright out in the desert, so far from towns and people and artficial illumination.
It's beyond amazing. No picture or description can do it justice. But I, too, love the mental image of them lying beneath that wide expanse of stars under his cape.
How come Clark can look not only perfectly human, but perfectly beautiful according to most of our ideas of perfect beauty?
Hee - this reminds me of a family story, one that my sister will KILL me for repeating. But, if you've read this far, you deserve a reward. <g>

Several years ago, back when LnC was still on the air, Dean Cain hosted some TV special about the paranormal or superheroes or something. I don't remember the show, only the conversation in my mother's living room. At one point Dean was talking into the camera and he said something like, "And what about the most famous of aliens, Superman?" My sister, who was about 17 at the time (plenty old enough to know better) lets out this astonished shriek and turns to me and earnestly exclaims, "Superman is alien?!? Oh my gosh, but he looks so human!" Everyone laughed at her and she became upset with us. It became a catch phrase in our family (and still is to this day, "Superman is an alien? Oh my gosh...")

Ahem. Maybe you had to be there, but it was all in how honestly sincere and surprised she was. How could he be an alien when he looked just like us? <g>

I'm glad everyone liked this part. To me it feels truncated because I had to chop off about 5-6 pages. The next part is better. At least, I think so. Now that they're finally comfortable with each other, they can really start to talk. Which means they can annoy each other, flirt with each other and somehow reach the point where Clark would adamantly insist to everyone that Lois was truly his wife. As Sheila pointed out (more bonus points!): Even thought this is an incidental marriage, he has taken his vows to another level. Maybe, before the story is over, they both will. wink

Thanks guys! I should have part six out far more quickly than this part.

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis