And more! dance

What do you mean, you haven’t left feedback Nancy? You’ve given me feedback for every other revision of this prologue and chapter one! What would I do without you? Continue in my atrocious over-use of the common comma until their labour union goes on strike, I suppose.

Roo- at last, somebody who is pro-family fic! Your compliments left me with such a nice warm, furry feeling. Glad I have you on board!

Shadow – I don’t read James Patterson, but I definitely am a fan of Robert Ludlum and Jeffrey Archer. You tend to stay away from thrillers in fanfiction? I hope you continue to make an exception in my case, though!

Chapter 1 is going up in another 24 hours. If my betas don’t kill me before then!

“Is he dead, Lois?”

“No! But I was really mad and I wanted to kick him between the legs and pull his nose off and put out his eyes with a freshly sharpened pencil and disembowel him with a dull letter opener and strangle him with his own intestines but I stopped myself just in time!”
- Further Down The Road by Terry Leatherwood.