Still feel like I'm just getting started, but I'm posting fdbk as I go.

Lois hesitated. If it was Clark's Kelly, and if something untoward had been going on between Kelly and Lex, she wasn't sure she wanted to know. Still, she found herself nodding.
Boy, that has a yuck factor I just didn't see coming.

She leaned her head against the back of the couch as she continued to watch him. "Well, as your employer, I know how much money you make."

"And?" David asked, looking slightly suspicious now.

"Well, knowing that, I know you could afford to take me there for supper tomorrow night."

David suddenly sat up straighter. "As in... a date?" he asked, licking his lips nervously.

"Why, Mr. Wright, are you asking me out?"

"Uhh... Yeah! Yeah. Definitely."

Lois laughed in delight at his contagious excitement. "In that case, I accept," Lois said shyly, reaching down and picking up the paper, trying to look cool as she recommenced staring at the words on the page in front of her. Still, she could do nothing to stop the excitement that was making her stomach turn back flips. Nor could she help but realize that David was now the one watching her, a silly grin pulling at the corners of his mouth.
Nice little exchange. Sweet and cute.

"What is it?" Lois asked, even as her eyes began skimming the page.

"A change of name. It seems Kelly Kay Labonne used to be..."

"Kelly Kay Trask," Lois said.
Oh, yeah. A definate yuck. Of course, I didn't like her the moment I found out she didn't bfeed. wink

She wasn't entirely sure why that was such a shock. Of course, Lex would have been experimenting with ways to kill the clone. After all, he had to be certain he had a way to stop the clone if he got out of hand. And one thing about Lex, he was thorough. That was the only way he could have covered up his criminal endeavors as long as he had.
Of course, he did. So why haven't I thought of that before? And why haven't I read that in any other fic?

"You were such an easy mark, Clark. It didn't take much research for me to figure out exactly what type of woman you would want - the same type of woman every man wants deep down inside. Submissive. Nurturing. A great cook. A great homemaker. A virgin. Of course, that one was a little more difficult. Did you know that all it takes is a simple operation to restore that to a woman? And you fell for it. Hook, line and sinker.
You have a way of making my skin crawl like no one else can. Yuck. This is the worst villain I've read in eons.

Odd. She'd known every crack and crevice of Clark's old apartment, every lump in Clark's old couch and every place where the floor boards creaked when one stepped on them. And now... she didn't even know where he lived.
What a poetic description of where there friendship has gone.
