Glad to see you guys seem to be enjoying (or not laugh ) the story.

I see the epilogue is causing a bit of a stir. But I could never write a true death fic. Sorry, guys, but I just don't have it in me. The problem is...

he's one of those who has a terrible time stomaching a non-LnC ending.. sorry
I agree with Ankit on this thumbsup . I don't like death fics. I don't read death fics. And I really didn't want to write one. And hence, the epilogue. Call it my security blanket if you will.

And I like suez's comment:

A reverse Tank ending.
But I also like this idea by Patrick:

So in my mind the Clark that wakes is the one in the Show's universe, the story of course took place in one of the many Alt'verses.
I guess I can live with this taking place in some universe that I don't have to ever visit wink . Lois and David live happily ever in that far away, never to be thought of again universe after while our Lois and Clark are safely tucked in bed together still very much in love.

I don't want to see Clark killed. I don't want to see Lois move on. But in view of the number of Lois deathfics, and the much talked-about recent Clark-moving-on fic, well, I can't help it... I needed a story like this one.
That's why I wrote the story, Ann. But I can only do what I can do and I can't actually let either Lois or Clark die in the end. I am too much of a Lois and Clark (together) fan for that.

Besides, in my mind the epilogue is the whole point of the story laugh .

One more point:

(Lisa is banging her head on her desk.) This woman deserves what she gets!

Ah, but remember Lois had just spent two weeks searching frantically for Clark who had left town before her aborted first wedding. While she was going through all that heart-breaking angst he was catching some sun in the South Pacific.
Actually, Carol, it was three months (not two weeks) that she spent searching for him, crying herself to sleep every night. So please give poor Lois a break, guys laugh .

Anyway, glad you seem to be enjoying my... what did Suez call it now... Reverse Tank ending laugh .

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane