First, didn't Carol already say in the Clark Moves on Thread in the fanfic related forum that she'd made a mistake about your quote, Cassandra? I don't think you have anything to worry about there.

So you did write because of that other fic
I didn't write this story because of any one fic. I wrote it because after reading the thread in the fanfic related forum, I got the impression that there had been a spade of Clark moves on fics (unless I misunderstood - which, knowing me is entirely possible blush ). I wrote it because, as you might recall, I made a certain threat to correct the imbalance laugh ). In fact, I think the last Clark moves on fic that I read was Butterfly Legacy (years ago). And in that one, Clark goes back to Lois in the end. I wrote it to correct what I saw as an imbalance. If there is no imbalance and there really is only one story out there where Clark moves on, then I was under a misimpression blush .

Oh well. If there is only one Clark moves on fic, then I guess one Lois moves on fic sets things back in order wink

If this was meant as satire, I obviously read it wrong.
Don't worry too much about it, Pam. As I told Carol yesterday, I think my satire suffers in translation. I'm much more satirical in person laugh .

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane