Here you are, my lady, your virtual strawberries and cream - hmmm, there doesn't seem to be an icon for this particular treat. How about I e-mail them to you? Assuming, of course, that I am able to fit them into the envelope. Failing that, I suggest a trip to the nearest grocery store for some Life Savers Strawberries and Cream hard candy. It's quite tasty, as are all your offerings.

This was good, Lara. I chuckled, I guffawed, I tittered, and I laughed. Aloud, even.

And you're working on a sequel to the sequel? Without being bribed? Er, I mean, encouraged, of course, not bribed, because you are certainly above such coarse inducements. But if the second sequel is as funny as the first two installments, this will be on somebody's Kerth nomination list next year.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing