smile Thanks Mellie! I'm glad you found it amusing.

As you can certainly tell by the time of my post, this was written in the middle of the night... I was having yet another attack of the "I might as well get up, I've been staring at the ceiling for 2 hours" - yikes.

Gaaaah!!! Ughh! Groan!!! Yeah, blind as a bat, indeed, and intergalactically stupid Lois, whom I'm really only moderately fond of... but, all the same, this was very funny, Lara!
Eh. That's precisely why I put in an apology just for you. Cause this Lois is so damned blind, that confronted with the possibility that Clark might be Superman, she can't even see it. But I'm glad it made you laugh a little anyway. smile

Hey! How does Lois know that Clark isn't the Martian Manhunter? J'on J'onnz is a shapeshifter, after all. Maybe he keeps shifting into his Clark Kent shape?
Yeah, that would have made sense. But, since she dismisses the fact that Clark could be Superman because Superman isn't from Earth, it didn't really make sense that Clark be a Martian either. He's from Kansas!

I can't take it any more! Super-moronic Lois attacks Ann! Ann is down! Five, six, seven, eight, nine... ten and OUT!!!!
You've totally gotten me down for the count with that one, Ann! hehehe!

BTW... note that the bit about Clark possibly being Green Arrow is a direct reference to Smallville and it is most definitely there on purpose. I couldn't help myself! (cause, OMG, the kiss!!! Have you seen it? Have you seen it? *happy sigh*)

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies