Cuidadora—Adding to my list! While I’m sorry to know your dad passed, what a wonderful thing to realize that he and Jonathan were so alike. I’m looking forward to reading this series! The other ones sound interesting too!! Thank you for sharing!!

Shallowford—okay, this sounds amazing! Because I totally agree with all of that…why was he so obsessed with Lois and how does it make sense?? Part of me always thought that maybe he DID get dosed with 100% of the pheromone compound, and *that* was the reason? In any case, I’m definitely interested to read this!!

Terry—Always good to see you around! This sounds really fun! My list sure is getting longer, but that’s a good thing! (Just that I’m in the middle of getting ready to move, so of course my muse is hyperactive when I have less time. lol) Thank you for sharing!

Annie—Yay! Oh, I adore the Playing Series so much!! It was for sure one of the things I read close to first when coming back last year. Tea Totaled came a bit later in my re-read list. And omg… you know my feelings on Come to Me and WTHW! GAHHHH. All the feels! LOL

Dandello—Ooh! I’ll have to check out the L&C ones! Okay…omg… I just went over to read the Prologue and the challenge thread that spawned it and…OMG definitely will have to read this one sooner than later!

Morgana—Yay!! More to add to the list…and more than 200,000 words! :wow: Go you!! I just checked and my longest (AFTS) is just under 90,000! Thanks for sharing your favorites!

Michael—YAY! I’ll have to check out your other favorite for sure, since you know I just spent SO MUCH TIME (BUT ALL SOOOO WORTH IT) reading Don’t You Dare!! Thank you for sharing the why and a “light side” story. laugh

Sara smile

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