Favouritest fic I've written would have to be the very first piece of fanfic I wrote, back in 2006, called 'A Seismic Mission.' It was for Stargate SG-1 and involved a super volcano, and was a general team fic with a similar level of angst that could be found in the episodes in regards to Sam and Jack. I'm fascinated by many things, and super volcanos are one of those things, so it was my favouritest fic as I was able to combine my fascination with four characters I had come to love. I haven't gone back and looked at it in years, concerned I'd find it poorly written and twitch over grammar, and word choices.

For L&C, and for fics that are completed, that would have to be Aftershocks. The HoL timeline at the end of the episode feels so incongruous, and while I know there's lots of other spots where many liberties were taken for the one hour tv show spot, this was always felt jarring. So one boring snowy day at work, I started writing with paper and a pen. Before I knew it, I had the entire first chapter written. As I kept going, there were specific plot points that became wedged into my mind, demanding to be written. One, the bit where Clark uses calamine lotion for mosquito bites, the second, when Clark and Jonathan have a chat on the porch, specifically this line:

"Maybe," Jonathan conceded. "Love is a powerful emotion, like fear and anger, and everyone reacts differently. All of those emotions will drive your decisions, make you act rashly, and when you calm, perhaps make you regret what happened."

Surprisingly, it was writing Henderson's part in this story that was my favourite, and also one of the driving forces behind continuing past the first chapter. I'm throwing the rest of this comment in spoiler tags as I know someone (wink wink) hasn't had the opportunity to read this yet...

Ok, so not really a huge plot spoiler, but as the writer, I kind of hoped people enjoyed the reveal.

I loved writing the chapter where Henderson shows up at Clark's to get his statement, sees the burns on his hands, and starts putting it together. The chapter where Henderson is home alone, mulling over the Clark/Superman identity, was one of the easiest things I've written. The final chapter, with Clark and Henderson talking on the roof was another that flew through the keyboard, and fairly early on in the writing process.

There is one fic that has the potential to take Aftershocks' space in my heart and it was started before it! It's been sitting on my hard drive, partially written, for far too long and if I can stop falling down every plot bunny rabbit hole I find, I'll dust it off and get it going again.