Every writer has one (at least one) story of theirs that holds their heart. Whether it’s because it’s just chock full of all your favorite tropes and works and flows so well or because it was an emotional journey for you, putting your own feelings and emotions behind what the characters were doing…whatever the reason, I wanna know!!

I know sometimes people feel uncomfortable recommending their own stories, but this is THE THREAD in which you need to! Why? Because I feel like if it’s a story you love so much, it’s definitely going to show in your writing, and I want to read it! And I’m sure others do to. So have at it! Pimp your own fic!

Tell us which of your written L&C fics holds a special place in your heart and why! (You can be vague if the reasons are too personal!)

Oh, and please, please, please add the links to either the boards TOC (gif and nfic, if applicable), the archive, or nfic archive so that people can go click and read!!

Kerth nominations are opening on March 3!
🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, the show, life, and more!

You can also find me on Tumblr and AO3.

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