Ooh, I actually got there first! lol

And I’m going again…I just kinda wanted AFTS to stand by itself.

Since I’ve come back to fandom (again! And I’m ever so grateful that it’s has always been here to come back to!) in the last… almost a year(??)… I’ve been on a writing rampage! It feels amazing to be part of the fandom again and chatting with friends new and old and finding that the muse is still working after all these years! So I definitely have a few new favorites of mine:

Love Me Back to Life (cowritten with lovetvfan)
Gfic version
Nfic version

lovetvfan and I have been friends for…I don’t even know. Not 25 years, but at LEAST 15. She’s my online Twinnie and I love her dearly. I dragged her back into fandom with me, and we both reminisced about the old days and how we missed writing L&C fic…and then, like Barney and Ted in How I Met Your Mother said, “We should buy a bar!!!” … we said, “We should write a fic!!” It would be months before the story idea came to us and we started writing, a bit tentatively, not knowing how we’d go about this or what would happen or if our writing styles would even mesh. WELL…it was AMAZING. Our styles mesh so well that sometimes we can’t even remember who wrote what. It was really such a fun and wonderful process that exceeded all my expectations, and we produced something we’re both really proud of.

Yours to Discover
Gfic here
Nfic here

This one I love because it’s the version of L&C (of ones I’ve written) that I love and adore the most. This story was so fun and waffy and whimsical to write…it almost feels like magic and they make me so happy. I’m really proud of how it came out, and I’ve been really touched by the responses I’ve gotten from people. love

And… honorable mention…

This is only available as nfic.

Well, holy cow if I ever thought I could write something like this, a romantic, epic romp that ended up having a whole relationship plot in it. And was way, way, way longer than I ever thought it would be (which is almost entirely KathyB’s fault clap). It’s the most steamy/sex scenes I’d ever written, and I think for that reason alone it’s an accomplishment? lol

Kerth nominations are opening on March 3!
🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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You can also find me on Tumblr and AO3.

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