Originally Posted by Toomi8
I stumbled across this story in the archive (I think that's the webpage I found it on?) and devoured it. Wow! Epic is right!

I loved how the splitting of time helped drive the urgency, flashing backwards, and then to the present, kept me on the edge of my seat!

I'm an angst sucker, and this certainly had it in boatloads!

The way Clark dealt with the aftermath of their night together was perfect. He kept her from running, yet also got her to admit that she didn't regret it, perhaps my favourite part of the whole fic.

I appreciated how you wrote Lex. He was a maniac and the show couldn't go there, however, I really think you did the criminally insane part of Lex to perfection.

Thanks for a great read!

Hey Toomi8 wave

Thank you so much for reading through this twisted world of mayhem. This was inspired by Queenie's challenge and NostalgiaKick's Nobody which planted the seed for the much darker version of Lex Luthor. I'm glad you enjoyed this fic. If you have the patience there is a sequel to this one.


~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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