hyper OMG! (delayed FDKing, I know, I know) But the good news is I've now read it twice and I'm doubly excited for posting to get under way!

I love the setup. Poor Clark, in a mental hospital? Lex watching him the whole time? Even the hallucination where he reveals himself-- it's just heartbreaking.

Question #1: Is that really Lois coming to see him? I'm guessing not, because otherwise Lex would see her as well, so he must be hallucinating... but how would he know about her hair change?

Question #2: GAH Is it possible to have too many other questions? How will Lois figure out the truth? Where will she go? Is she going to try to testify/bring charges against Lex? How will Clark escape? What will Lex do next? If Lex were to die of natural causes, would anyone remember where Superman was? Does "toys in the box" mean Lex will be sidewalk decoration in the end? Will Clark ever get his life back? How crazy will he go?

Phew. Okay. I'm done, for now. Hopefully more is to come soon, because I'm excited to read this one (and also I'm excited to not be playing catchup and reading the story from the beginning).


Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain