Originally Posted by Mouserocks
*rubs hands together*

Let's dig in.

Yes, let's!

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
Aw. mecry Poor Clark. Depicts painfully just how distressed he is that he's not only sharing his secret, but that he acknowledges it as the scariest words.

Yes, poor Clark is living his worst nightmare and hoping his fear of exposure would be less painful than the mental torture he's enduring at the hands of Luthor.

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
Ooooh. Gonna bite all of them in the rear.

Yes, yes it will.

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
Haha, I shouldn't be laughing at this twisted a scene, but darn if I don't love a good pun. lol

I always loved this quote from HOL and thought it suited the scene nicely here.

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
shock The same blade he used to (almost) kill Lois?! That's cold, bone-chilling.

Um, that would be correct... Luthor is an evil sociopath that would love a chance to deliver poetic justice on his enemy. What better way than to kill his enemy with the same blade that he used to kill the woman he loves?

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
*shudder* see?

**Hands Mouse a pillow to hide behind**

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
The cold detailed account and the evidence laid before him as Clark finally realizes the truth seriously gives me goosebumps. Very well done.

Aw, thanks Mouse! I'm glad it came across well. I had a hard time writing that scene.

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
*mentally bookmarks this knife's location, in case it becomes pertinent later*

**whistles innocently**

I know nothing.

**pushes plot bunnies trying to escape back into the closet**

See? Nothing to see here.

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
Poor Perry, I really don't know how they're going to deal with this situation.

Yeah, Perry wants justice and the current situation isn't going to get that for him. Lex is too connected and all their evidence is gone.

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
Fingers crossed.

**Hands Mouse tissues**

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
Well, crapola! How are they not going to find him like this? Cut, bloodied, no time to change...? Oh, and half-dead Superman in the basement?

Haha, yeah, this one is going to show just how powerful Lex Luthor really is. The next chapter has more for you on that.

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
Clark's dead, Lois' dead, Superman's nearly dead... who will even be legally alive to testify?

**whistles innocently**

It's a game of cat and....mouse laugh

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
You're so close! Twist the knife! You almost have him!

Getting warmer....

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
*mutters curse words under breath* Yeah, and when you've killed her in cold blood.

Or so he thinks.

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
Gah! I'm so twisted up inside right now! I love it!

I'm glad you got the appropriate reaction from this. It was really hard to get in Luthor's head like that.

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
Ooh, terrifying. That would have been the perfect revenge, too. Totally could have been plausible that Clark would kill Lois over Lex... if it was a story he was spinning, anyway. Character witnesses would know that Clark couldn't do it, but they did have a loud argument in a very public place and everyone knows that Clark's been hung up on Lois for the majority of the year....

Yes, Lex is a sicko with that twisted of a mind to plan such a thing too.

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
I did always wonder why Lex never remembered that Clark was sent to earth as a baby, but it worked out in canon. I like how you reference it here though.

Seed planting successful! Yeah, Lex doesn't forget things easily.

Originally Posted by Mouserocks
*shudders* Love the inclusion of this line. Even though I know where you're going with this, it's a terrifying process watching it all go down. (But I love it so much!)

Can't wait till next Thursday!

Thanks for all the feedback Mouse! Hope you have time to catch up on the other two chapters soon. smile

Originally Posted by Superjan
Val, this story is just grabbing my interest like crazy! I don't usually enjoy stories with so much angst and crazyness but this one is really drawing me in! Just finished chapter 4 and realized I need to wait almost a whole week for the next one. A t least with this story I'm going to try and not fall behind. Any idea of about how many chapters it might be? clap

Hey Superjan!

I'm glad you've been captivated by this fic. My muse read Feli's little twisted ficlet and took hold and wouldn't let go. This is the result. I'm glad you're enjoying the suspense. I don't have an actual chapter count yet as I'm sort of still working on the middle/end out now and circling back again to make sure everything has been covered.

Yeah, only one chapter a week for now. They're pretty lengthly chapters...pushing the limit on how long a chapter can be on here and all. (For the record, the limit is 25 pages in a Document editing software, and most chapters are 20-24 pages long)

Chapter 5 is up now. I went back and forth on how to reveal when Lois learned the truth. I figured I'd compromise and have the revelation come and then lead into the rescue. Hope you enjoy. Still no clue on the chapter number total as of yet. If it makes you feel better, I wrote the ending last week but just need to connect it all. lol Okay, enjoy and see you next Thursday.

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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