Originally Posted by Morgana
This fic had a ton of fascinating elements to it. But the best of all was seeing Alice White as a person rather than just Perry's wife.


Thank you so much Morgana! Developing the character and the past relationship of Alice and Perry was actually the most enjoyable part of this fic. I tried to have fun with it and show the parallels between Perry and Clark as well.

Originally Posted by PuffyTiger
Another enjoyable read, Folc!

The flipping between timelines could have been confusing, but I think you handled it well.

I've always enjoyed your memory snippets, they help refresh me on what happened while setting the mood the character is in and the past they are wrestling with. In this fic, it recaptured the chilling encounters with Luthor and the heartbreaking encounters with each other.

I thought the stories you had up for investigative Kerths were ludicrous and funny. I mean, really...fruit flies? And the Queens' grandkid?? It made me snicker and roll my eyes, lol.

Putting Luthor into Arkham might not have been the best idea though. I mean, Batman's rogues are always escaping from there, right? What happens if Luthor does?

I really agree with Morgana, it was great seeing Alice with a good role and a history of her and Perry's relationship. I enjoyed her character in mouse's (not Mouserocks) Investigating Luthor for that reason also.

As always, thanks for sharing!

Hey PuffyTiger wave ,

Glad you had a chance to read this one. When I go into big long epics I try to help remind the readers with the flashbacks. It makes it more impactful and draws you into the character's mind I believe. Glad it helped with the timelines. clap

The stories I put up for the Kerths were intended to be laughable because of how tense the fic had been up to that point. I wanted to make you snicker a bit. smile1

So, if you paid attention you'll notice I left room to revisit this world. There will be a sequel coming to this. Injustice

Glad you enjoyed the game of cat and mouse and I am happy Alice was so enjoyable for everyone in this fic...because you'll be seeing her again next year. wink

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~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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