Originally Posted by Mouserocks
I haven't had time to *really* delve in for feedback, but saw this thread and couldn't wait to at the very least express how crazy all over the place my brain is with this fic!


Freakin' Val.

Beautiful. Horrible. Wonderful. Terrifying. Heart-wrenching. Amazing!

Lex is ugh and that scene in chapter 2 is nail-biting, gut-wrenching, sickening and so incredibly powerful. Such striking visuals. Her panic at the other cop's mention of Lex's name is palpable, real, and I can feel that terror in my bones.

I hope Martha has more answers in store for Lois. I hope Henderson helps Lois even more. I hope chapter 3 reveals more, and perhaps more of Clark. And ultimately, I hope I get more time for FDK. goofy

Hey Mouse!

Thanks for commenting. Glad the last two chapters gave you the intended effect. I'm getting Chapter 3 up as I type this. Hope you enjoy the twists and turns as seen from Clark's POV.

More to come!

Originally Posted by PuffyTiger
I read NK's story Nobody and liked it. I thought back then that it would be great if expanded to see what happened before and after. And I'm so happy to see you doing it, Folc! I love everything you've written (well, except WCCCD, that was just a oh my goodness who's going to die next crazy ride and I had a hard time finishing it, sorry).

So, I'm really looking forward to reading this when it's finished and seeing where your evil mind is going!

Hey PuffyTiger,

Yeah WCCCD is an acquired taste. If you love drama and suspense it works for you but it can be a lot to take in. Yeah, my muse wouldn't let go of the plot bunny NK created so I've actually been bouncing ideas off her and DC to get this one going. I hope you enjoy it when you get time to sit down and read it. Posting schedule is Thursdays and chapters are lengthy.

Chapter 3 is coming up.

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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