I am not a fan of all the darkness and relationship angst that is so in vogue today.
So, back before I stopped writing originally, about 10-ish years ago, I remember having a conversation with some other FoLCs about this very subject. What we ended up finding was that, even though the fanfic that's out there is ostensibly based on the show Lois and Clark, it's not necessarily based on show canon / characterization. After being off the air for a while, it's like people forgot how the characters from the show acted, even though everyone could give you the intimate details of everything that happened in every show. FoLCs read fanfic, and fanfic started to change the characters. Then newer fanfic based their characters on older fanfic, which further evolved them like a giant echo chamber until you didn't recognize the characters at all anymore. You then had 2 sets of cannon: show cannon, and fanfic cannon. Show cannon had Lois and Clark as both strong willed, relied on humor, and really wasn't that angsty. It was a show with a lot of hope and love...that's the show I loved. Fanfic canon often stripped out the humor, and oddly stripped out a lot of the Superman stuff, too. It turned Lois into an angry, raging b-word and Clark into a doormat. I stopped reading fic around that time, so I only imagine it's gotten worse since then.

I always tried to write my fic in the spirit of the show - lightly humorous, positive, squishy and hopeful. I remember Zoom's stories always seemed to be in that vein, too. I'm know there are other I can't remember because it's been a decade since I've participated much in the fandom. But I appreciate all of you out there that keep the true spirit of the show alive, and I'm glad to know there are still people that like to read those stories, too.

Additionally your comment about 'putting away my word processor and riding off into the sunset' made me wonder if it had any underlying meaning or if it was just a figure of speech.
I guess I'll refer back to the first feedback thread from the story I just completed, Gotham Nights.
Gotham Nights Part 1 Comments
As fun as it's been to get the old juices flowing again, it's summertime and I have 3 kids aged 8 and under and work full time. Between swim lessons and little league and whatever else, I just don't have time to devote to writing. That's not to say that I won't still crank out some random piece of fluff from time to time, but I like writing the big stories with plot, and I think my husband would revolt if I tried to do that again anytime soon. Buuut if I get bored enough next winter...who knows.

Anyway, I appreciate the positive feedback. smile


"No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space."