Oh, wow! This was fantastic clap notworthy clap.

I wanted to read this piece when I saw you post awhile back, but (craziness crazy ) I'm just getting to it today. Totally understand about life being busy--we have a 5 and 7 year old and daily 'life' is constantly keeping the days full. August was a mad dash to get in a lot of family stuff and prep for school, but thankfully things now seem to have settled down a bit. Anyway, this--these boards and L&C fanfic--has become my solitude over the last few years. Thanks for giving me a little escape today grin.

I really admire your set up--Clark realizing just what he is doing to Lois, how unfair he is being--and deciding to let her 'solve' the story. Do what she does best smile. His clues, her interest (but also interest in Clark), the excitement for tomorrow night. I know I can't wait dance ! I'm really curious 'how' exactly the revelation will happen--will Lois piece it all together? See the twistie tie (cute idea, btw!)?

So excited to read the end!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~