I really enjoy your writing, Sue, and I'm excited to see a story from you! Even when I don't read much L&C fic anymore, you are always someone that can draw me back. Something about your writing reminds me what I love about these characters.

Plus, there are these beautiful descriptions that draw me into the story, like this one:

The view was breathtakingly beautiful. Across the street, the lanes crisscrossing Centennial Park were outlined by the soft yellow glow of streetlamps, giving the park the look of an enchanted fairy world. Lois folded her arms on the chest-high wall and rested her chin on them. She took several deep breaths, letting the night air clear both her lungs and her frustrations.

So pretty. I wanted Clark to show up on the balcony, too, and whisk her away from the dinner. Did like her conversation with Superman, though, especially when he was surprised when she asked how long it would take to fly her to Miami. So many layers, so many half-truths at this point in their relationship... it's frustrating, but I love this late S1 time period.

Best line for me? This one, because it's so very telling:

It struck her that while there were millions of people in Metropolis, it felt almost empty to her right now.

I mean, that says it all, doesn't it? Millions of people, but the one person she needs to be in Metropolis isn't there anymore (well, to her knowledge, anyway). The city is empty without Clark.

I'm so glad that they talked, though, and I loved their banter. Lois being jealous of Andrea flirting with him and when she missed his overprotectiveness... aw. Here's hoping that Lois starts to see Luthor for who he is now that Clark has planted the seed.

Sad that we need to wait until next week for another part, though! What if I plead the teacher-going-back-to-school card? I may need another part to help me get through the first week of school with 24 second graders!

Can't wait to read more!

Tracey smile