Sorry for the delay in replying! Life has been hectic lately. grumble

Laura - Thank you! I'm pleased you think I succeeded!

Having Lois truly know what is at stake as the countdown is going on added a lot. Putting 'Clark' into what is happening--Superman, but really deep down Clark for Lois to deal with. I loved that!
Thanks! It definitely raises the emotional stakes when Lois knows exactly what she stands to lose.

A favorite part. The wordage 'and I'm quoting here'--something about those few words I LOVED! It sounded so much like Clark, I guess, is why I liked it so much. And this part really walked that line that you walk so well with your have them tease each other--and sometimes just a little bit like here--at just the perfect time. It keeps it so real between them. This part--it was GREAT!
Again, thank you! blush

You really played Clark well during this scene...he's normally so up-beat, and reality is definitely staring him in the face here. Having him concerned to this extent definitely takes everything up a notch...
Thanks! He never would have told her if he thought it was going to turn out okay. I think he's allowed a little despair, especially since Lois is now in a better place to be supportive.

Oh-my-goodness! I absolutely adored this part, too. This is so much what I love about your writing, Sue. You weave 'them' so thoroughly into your stories. Teasing amongst the angst. Great combination...and leads to gems like 'It came out a little blubbery, but he had made her laugh."
Oh, you'll turn my head with your compliments! (But please don't stop!) Being able to laugh through the tears (or vice versa) is the hallmark of any good friendship, which is why I quite often have them deal with the angsty stuff that way.

Thank you for the locked door
You're welcome! Can you imagine what the poor lackey on the other side must be thinking? <heh>

magical - Some of the season one stuff (like Smart Kids) I could happily live the rest of my life without ever seeing again. But some of the others (Strange Visitor, PML, HiM, Witness, FlyHard) feel so perfect -- the banter between them, the chemistry… <sigh> It's what sucked me into the show in the first place. smile I'm glad you took a risk and read the story anyway. laugh

while I love Clark, I just tolerate Superman. How Mayson Drake-ish of me.
LOL! I'm a Mayson sympathizer, so you won't have any trouble with me. wink

Thank you to everyone who's replied! I'm really very, very grateful! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis