Lynn - Thank you! I'm glad I succeeded in your eyes. smile Lois did tell him that she loved him (in part one, just before he told her that he was Superman), so he knows how deeply she cares. I'm glad that kiss came across as something that couldn't be construed as platonic comfort or apology.

Virginia - Having General Zeitlin yell at Lois pre-launch never even entered my mind! Thank you for noticing that I bent the canon dialog to fit the story. smile And, once again, you've guessed very close on a couple of things in the story going forward. I swear you're hacking into my hard drive. Or we're sharing some kind of long-distance telepathy. wink

Artemis - Thanks! I'm so happy you liked the ending! I was a little worried about stopping it there. You've put my mind at ease.

Susan - Thank you! Thank you so much for being so enthusiastic and supportive -- even when I sent you what was basically electronic scribbles. If this story shines at all, it's entirely due to you. notworthy

sarah - LOL! Yeah, I guess I do kind of enjoy tormenting our heroes. But they always come out happier and stronger at the end! I'm overjoyed that you could picture it in your head -- it means I got something right! smile Thank you!

mozartmaid - Yay! I'm so glad you liked it! I promise not to make you wait too long for the epilogue.

Thanks so much to everyone who's replied! You guys have made the end of the year sparkle and shine for me! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis