Oh dear! I completely missed that one laugh

had passed and he was about to be pummeled with the brunt of the storm.
That’s why you should always attach your lips to the hurricanes…mouth.

His newly found pride flexed its muscles.
Remaining alcohol giving him liquid courage?

Jimmy might have been in jail, but hadn’t she been Luthor’s prisoner these last months?
JIMMY: Prisoner? Her? Had she had control over her daily business taken away from her? Had she been watched 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Did she have to go to the bathroom without any privacy? Did she have to fend off the unwelcome advances of disgusting creeps? Did she have to do menial jobs far below her paygrade?

Hadn’t the Voyeur kept her under constant watch and control?
She could have moved. She could have carried a gun up into Lex’s penthouse and then moved with Clark to Brazil, gone to confession there, and been wed by a nice priest. Say, this reminds me…

Didn’t her lack of freedom and privacy earn her the right for a vacation?
Funny, not 10 years later, people with such an overdeveloped need for recognition would stand in line to live in the Big Brother house. She should be happy to be a trailblazer for her people.

She just hated that it was his idea for her to stay and work, while he went to rest and recover in the sun of party town, even if that was what she would have chosen as well.
She’s wonderfully consistent, isn’t she?

She hoped he ended up with a sunburn. It would serve him right.
Would this be like with regular batteries when the contacts oxidize and corrode?

and his un-Clark-like behavior of not doing what she wanted him to do,
rotflol He’s growing a backbone, and she doesn’t like it laugh

Did he need her to hand feed him all the evidence against Luthor, dead or not?
CLARK: Being fed by Lois is a great thing!

He even accused me and the MPD of hounding the man to jump,
jawdrop They did what? Oh boy. Ari won’t be happy to hear that one.

Being tried in death was a bit like being tried in absentia, but to Lois’s thinking better tried in the press than not at all.
They could always try to revive him, could they not?
Dr. Kelley: Working on it.

revealing the charred ruins of the vault.
Huh. Wouldn’t that constitute a fire hazard?

“No!” Lois gasped, leaping forward. “I swear it wasn’t like this before.”
MARGOT!LOIS: Maybe I should really stop smoking. Or at least, flipping the buds into every corner…

I’m afraid that included all the surveillance evidence from your apartment.”
RANDY GOODE: Dagnabit! I so wanted to sell those…
SPENCER SPENCER: I already had dibs!

Lois felt torn. It was good that nobody else could watch her every move over the last four months, but she hated the destruction of any evidence against the megalomaniac.
I wonder if Lex also got rid of their sex tapes…

the last three digits out of the eight. 9-9-3.”

“Sounds like a date.”
Let me guess… mm-dd-1993? The day Superman showed up? The day Lex met Lois? The day Lex decided to make a dishonest woman out of her? The day Lex realized he’d have to make an honest woman out of her first?

“Uh… Do you recall the dates of any of your…” He cleared his throat again. “Dates?”
Is he referring to the occurrences when Lois allowed Lex to score with her?

She shrugged, doubting Lex would want to immortalize the date of her refusal to sleep with him the first time he had mentioned her coming back to his penthouse for a nightcap.
He likes being challenged?

“I can supply you with a list of all the dates we went out.”
Why not just try them all? It’s just 365 combinations. Or is Henderson worried that it might be bobby-trapped. (sic)

He took a step or two back before asking in an off-hand manner, “Would any of them have a particular importance?”
rotflol Worried he’d have to have Lane arrested for assaulting a police officer?

and she was a bit offended that it hadn’t been any of their dates.
Wounded pride? See? Had she slept with him on their first outing, this could all have been avoided. She’d just have been another lay to him, not worth a second thought. Even once Superman would have shown a romantic interest, she’d just be seconds for Superman. The blue oaf would have been the joke of the bad-boys club.

She would have to look it up in last year’s calendar when she returned home.
Couldn’t she just mention the general specifics to Lex? I’m sure he’d have the details handy.

“Catch a cold?” she asked, tucking the slip of paper into her pocket, lest he accuse her of stealing evidence from a dead man’s trial.

“There was something else I found that I thought you might want to see.”
Oooh! Lex’s dirty home videos?
Mrs. Cox does the dishes.
Mrs. Cox does the laundry.
Mrs. Cox does the floors.
Mrs. Cox does the boss.

In one of the open desk drawers, she saw something odd: an empty Phantom of the Opera CD case.

is tone had implied her taste in such theatre was low class and he had much to teach her.
LEX: In my defense, it is. I on the other hand, only watch highly cultured productions such as opera and big brother TV shows.

Therefore, it was odd that he would have a copy of the soundtrack in his desk.
Might have thought the musical to be so beneath him, it would be a fitting insult to Superman?

She doubted the possibility of it being a discarded gag gift from some friend because Lex hadn’t seemed to have a sense of humor or friends.
Yes, he might rather have kept a souvenir from his friend. Such as a photo of Lex and the friend’s wife in bed. Or maybe the friend’s eye balls in a little box?

The man on the aisle seat shifted his position, accidentally nudging Clark’s sore shoulder and thus waking him.
Maybe he’d an airplane kidnapper?

Amazingly, he wasn’t tormented with nightmares of Luthor’s sex tape, and had been able to sleep dream free.
Maybe he should tell Lois that ever since he’d seen her have carnal relations with her fiancé, he couldn’t sleep unless she held him and stuff?

“I thought you knew,” Jimmy sputtered.
Since *everyone* knows, huh?
LOIS: Now who’s the galactically stupid one?

For Clark to have taken off after such a traumatic event, no matter if what he had experienced was worse, was a serious breach of his relationship with Lois.
So, he made a big doo-doo?

“I… uh… I…um… She’s seen worse,” Jimmy muttered with a shrug of his shoulder.
When she was at the MSRF? When she dreamed about what happened to Ralph? When she saw the burned carcass of the Daily Planet?

“I’ll be back in Metropolis on the next flight out of town,” Clark corrected.

“The first thing I’m going to do is call…”
I wonder if they have enough fuel to get back to Metropolis? Maybe if Clark went to the stewardess and told her that he needed to speak to the pilot so they could discuss a change of their destination? That it was a matter of life and death?

How could he comfort her, when every touch reminded him of that video? He required some time to recover, but she needed him to be there for her.
So…really big doo-doo, then?

It had felt like molten lava, and he was the only one alive who could state that with any certainty.
[Linked Image]

But then your clothes were stolen, when you took a shower yesterday morning.
I know it’s pretty and all…but maybe you could find another home for it?

She’s got to understand that.”
Has he *met* Lois?

And she was always teasing him about his lousy excuses.
At least hers is elaborate, involves Clark in the shower, Clark naked, and Clark being dressed up as her husband.

“It’s two nights, CK,” Jimmy said, leaning his head back against his pillow. “Fifty bucks says she tells you not to come home early.”

That was what Clark was afraid of.
LOIS: No, stay in Vegas for those two nights. You know what? Stay as long as you like. And before I forget, it’s not me, it’s you!

One couldn’t really call it a ‘room’ as it was the size of her entire apartment.
One needs space when one has an ego the size of a pregnant Lois Lane?

The other half was glass French doors – the hypocrite –

With a second glance, she saw it went past the edge of the building to encompass a garden and, as she stepped into the room and was able to see further into the garden, saw that nestled within the shrubbery was a…

“Pool?” she sputtered. Sunken with crystal blue water.
This could all have been hers. All she had to do was say ‘I do’.

“Of all this you could’ve been mistress,” Henderson jested from behind her.
All of this, if she had been a mistress?

“Actually, I’m surprised you noticed that before your marital bed,” he added.
He got lots of confidence in his being the fastest draw this side of Suicide Slum, huh?

and consisted of a monstrous wood carving frieze of predatory animals hunting and attacking one another.
I wonder how many notches it took to carve all that…

On top of the black sheets lay a white comforter, which she had only been able to ascertain due to what draped over the edge, as a thick heart of rose petals had covered the top.
Awww…he’d their marital bed specially prepared for their wedding night! How considerate of him!

Red rose petals
LEX: I figured, freshly printed $1000 bills would have been too tacky.

He paused, looking Lois in the eye. “He figured you two would provide your own heat.”
I wonder if the room as a body disposal unit build in. And if Henderson will fit into it..

It would work better as a viewing window. Her stomach dropped.

He hadn’t dared!
Well, he’d have to provide some entertainment to his guests, no?

The shower stall with no less than six heads was also clear glass and the sunken Jacuzzi tub next to it had no way to enter or exit it without exposing oneself to the outside world in some manner.
What if Superman were to fly by while Lois was in the bathroom? What if someone built another skyscraper next to Lex’s?

True, to Luthor’s defense of this bad taste, Lex Tower was higher than any other building in Metropolis.
What about traffic helicopters? What about news helicopters?

As there had never been any reports of throw-up falling from the heavens, she knew Clark hadn’t looked.

“One-way glass,” Henderson reassured from behind her. She had forgotten he was there. “We can see out but nobody can see in.”

Although, she hadn’t packed it with any clothing she would miss, not expecting to ever see it again.

as if to remind Lois of whose importance the paramour had in their relationship.

As she turned to see to what the second camera hoped to capture, her eyes were drawn to the rings of glowing green lights on the floor and dangling from the ceiling.
Huh. Superman’s new home? Including some memento-taking equipment?

What had Luthor done to Clark?
Maybe she should check if she finds a video labeled ‘Superman’?

Did Clark’s abilities help him block out the emotional anguish that came with this chosen profession of hero? No wonder he hadn’t wanted her to come to Vegas.
Is she actually going to be sympathetic when he comes crawling back?

So, what do you think of Lex's cozy little rooms?
A wee bit tacky, maybe…

Or was the room just a bit too comfy, cozy, and homey for Lex?
It does make me wonder if Lex might not have been a bit unstable, mentally speaking.

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.