I have to keep reminding myself that this isn't NECESSARILY our universe, just one closer to us than Kara's is.

I keep wondering (and fearing) why Tempus said something negative about the universe he stranded Kara in. Is it because her home universe is more idealistic and he hopes the cynicism will rub off and prevent utopia being created?

Munroe shouldn't worry about Clark changing into the suit and Superman using his powers, he should worry about Clark not changing into the suit and instead using his powers as a reporter on the much feared team of Lane and Kent, who will find out all your misdeeds, publish them and win a Pulitzer while doing it. (I wonder where you keep a Pulitzer you won in another dimension? In a hidden trophy case?)

I'm rather relieved something bad has started to happen. I knew something bad was going to happen, I imagined a whole bunch of them, but the worst case scenario was ALL of them happening. Once a particular one starts I can relax a little.