Hmm. I wonder whether it's that it won't fix in retrospect? On that, I know that Annette plans to make a read-only copy of the old boards available, so that - though it would be time-consuming - would be a way to fix those posts.

Re. 10 quotes, I don't know whether more quotes consumes more resources, which is why I'm reluctant to increase it further - seriously, though, is 10 not enough? goofy

I have no idea why guests weren't able to read topics in that forum, as it was definitely set to allow guests to read. I tested it and got exactly the same problem as your friend reported. However, I saved the required option (allowing guests to read) again, and this time it seems to have done the trick - at least, it worked for me on my non-logged-in browser. So no need to submit a ticket.

Wendy smile

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Originally Posted by Wendymr
BINGO!!! And the star of the day is LadyLoisette!

I checked the control panel in response to this comment - and lo and behold, the default setting was 4 quotes per post. I've upped it to 10 - now, we may have to keep an eye on this to see whether it causes any issues, not that I know why it should.

Please can members who noticed truncated posts go and check to see whether there's any difference now.

Wendy smile
Sadly, no. Wendy. Michael's truncated FDK from Part 168 of Wrong Clark looks the same. frown Also, does this mean a limit to 10 quotes per FDK thread? Long winded, rambling FDKers want to know.

Going back to another issue. While perusing the boards a minute ago on my iPhone (where I'm not logged in), I noticed Colleen had posted a response to our FDK. hyper I went to check it out only to get a "DENIAL, please register" notification. It seems the Gfic "Superman in Other Canon FanFic" forum is acting like a Nfic forum and not letting people in who aren't registered. Do you want me to ticket this?

Just a fly-by! *waves*