Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
Mike, you can look for older posts/stories if you clear out the "Newer than" drop down lists. (Click the down arrow and choose the first (blank) option for each list.) My thanks to Michael for pointing that one out.


I am sorry, did not see Michael's post on the subject and believed the statement in the search where it stated "Maximum Date Range is one year". I am glad that works and thanks.

Anyone know how to get the search to return only the original posts not all the replies. 1. The replies are just the original post name with a RE: in front so they don't tell you anything and 2. You have to scroll many pages to get all of the original posts.

On the other hand the performance seems much better.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham