Originally posted by IolantheAlias:
This provides another opportunity for me to recommend one of my favorite fanfics, Family Reunion by Mr. Beeto.

It starts out by positing that Superman has to go to Krypton to save his cousin, Kara, who barely escaped Krypton's destruction. Kara is in suspended animation. Superman has to get their before her power runs out and she dies - so no time to linger around on Earth. This is a much more believable reason for him to jet off to Krypton on a moment's notice.

Mr. Beeto also gives a great reason for Jason's conception, and the Phantom Zone, and a whole lot of other things. Frankly, he should have written the movie. He eliminates a lot of the logical inconsistencies and "WTF?" moments of SR.

Plus, in his fic, there's a happy ending!

Highly recommended - don't miss this one.
I read that one, and I was still grumble grumble at Superman for running off without telling Lois, his "you were boarding a plane" seemed very weak, but I have to admit he did have a sufficiently compelling reason to leave, and as long as we assume he thought the results of time-reversal were total, and only later learned that it did not fully remove the results of the event, then it is a reasonable action, I guess if it overcomes major levels of death.

John Pack Lambert