I was reading an set of explanations of "Superman Returns" and they said this:

"In "Superman: The Movie" Jor-El's voiceover during Kal-El's original trip to Earth mentioned that the trip takes 3 years. In the Fortress of Solitude, Jor-El says, "By this reckoning, I would have been dead for many thousands of your years". This is because of Albert Einstien's Theory of Relativity, which, in part and abbreviated, states that when one travels close to the speed of light, time speeds up for everyone else not traveling at the same speed or traveling at a slower speed. It's possible to assume that when Krypton's Sun exploded, it scattered the remains of Krypton outwards. Parts of Krypton would be closer to Earth after many thousands of years, therefore, the trip to certain remains of Krypton would only take 2-1/2 years, instead of 3. Thus the round trip would only be 5 years."

So wait, if I am reading that right, Kal-el aged 3 years on his trip to earth, but it took thousands of years. Wouldn't that mean that while he is gone for him 5 years, the earth should have aged at least 100. If Clark is really lucky/unfortunate, he should find Lois in a nursing home about to die.

So shouldn't "Superman Returns" have Clark trying to romance say Lois's 4th-great-grandaughter. Although if that is her descendant through Richard, wouldn't that by creepy.

John Pack Lambert