Did Jor-El / Lara (I can't remember who he talks to in SM-II) tell him that he would be "human" or just "essentially human without any powers" once he went through the process he goes through before he sleeps with Lois in the Fortress? If not, then he could still be under the mistaken belief that because they are from two different planets such a birth would be impossible (Of course, the mini-series "V: The Visitors" proved that it is was. [Wink] ). It's been of my observation that most stereotypical men in the 1970s didn't take pregnancy into account / their thought process during or after sex unless hit over the head with the reality of what, biologically, sex leads to... i.e. children. (SM:TM and SM-II were essentially 1970s movies, despite SM-II being released in 1980. They were both written and filmed in the 70s, which was during the height of the pre-AIDS and free-sex-for-all era.) Yes, I know, Superman is supposed to be better than that, but he did have not only a one-night-stand of premarital sex with Lois, he erased her mind of the knowledge afterwards. So, the ideal man he clearly isn't.
Which is why I have to say I like MoS more than SMII. He does have flaws in MoS, but nothing as bad as a 1 night stand/erasing the memory of it afterward.

It also leads to my other view. Many of the things people complain the most about in Superman Returns are not really problems with that film per se, it is that they follow too closely on Superman II.

I guess this is why I like L&C Clark. He is a very patient man. Thinking about that, really Lois should not be so shocked when he tells her. Why do I say that? Because during "Chip off the Old Clark", he says something about "Really there has only ever been one women in my life, and she is wearing a ring". I guess that actually does not necessarily prove he is a virgin, but I am not sure he could really be fully truthful in saying that if he had ever had sex with anyone but Lois to that point, so since she knows they have not had sex, she should not be too surprised. I guess it is possible Lois did not quite take that line at face value, but her later reaction is more like she forgot she ever heard that line at all.

John Pack Lambert