If this helps any, Hubby and I totally enjoyed the show and it was well worth the money. We just saw the 2D version, so I have no idea what 3D added to it. Even the 2D looked very 3Dish to me.
That said, we also agree about some of the comments about it having 4 endings too many. Destroying Metropolis went on so long that it was getting ho hum, another building down.
The whole American military bit was well done and we had fun identifying all Cheyenne Mountain stuff and the many airplanes they used. It was spot on.
I enjoyed the look at Krypton and its society and the effects were really good. I also enjoyed Jor-El's part. I won't say more because then it would be a spoiler.
And Henry Cavill is 100% hot and is a good actor to boot. So go.
One more point, it *is* PG-13, but I saw young kids in the theater. I think it is too intense for any kid under 10.
I'm looking forward to the sequel where hopefully we get more Clark Kent.
smile1 smile1 drool

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis