Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Friday is fast approaching. I'm currently debating whether to go to the Midnight Show Thurs/Fri night, brave the crowds Friday night, or wait until Sunday (my VERY, VERY, VERY last option, which is making me lean towards midnight showing). Of course, school ends here on Thursday afternoon, so I'd be competing with a bunch of high schoolers for tickets, but I figure crowds in my small town will be less at the midnight show than for the evening times on a Friday night (my least favorite time to catch a movie.)
I'm going with a big group to the midnight showing. Thursday night is my last class for the quarter (way later than everybody else around here), so I'll be getting home around 9-10 o'clock, getting candy and then heading out. Same deal with the small town thing, bunch of old people in the area so I doubt it'll be too crazy but who knows. huh :p

And not seeing it in 3d. Why does everything have to be in 3d nowadays??

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain