Originally posted by Mouserocks:
Also, the S symbol does not stand for hope. cat
That depends. Originally, it was just an S for Superman. I've seen it be the symbol for the House of El, and I've seen it be the Kryptonese word for "hope". It just depends on what the current continuity claims. I've heard that it means "hope" in the New 52, but I think that this meaning pre-dates it.

When the movie was announced, I was completely pessimistic, thinking that they're just going to foul it up again. The movie had to be made because of the status of the copyright battles between the heirs and DC at the time. (Something about the heirs being owed a lot of money for "lost income" if DC didn't make a Superman movie by a certain date.) I was seriously debating whether I'd even bother to see the movie at all. The first trailer I saw confirmed my assumption that the movie would be terrible. (Especially the line that Pa Kent said in a voice-over. I hope that's out-of-context enough that it doesn't play out the way the trailer makes it sound.) The second trailer looked like it might not be entirely awful. Each subsequent trailer I've seen has looked better, to the point that the last one I saw looked awesome.

This makes me mad! They're getting my hopes up against my wishes! I don't want to go into the theater expecting an awesome movie only to see a mediocre one or a horrible one. I'd rather expect it to be garbage and be pleasantly surprised when it's not. Or, hopefully, be ecstatic when the movie is amazing. I guess this makes me a pessimist, but I just don't want to be disappointed again with a Superman movie.

I think I'll need to go see it as soon as it comes out so I can put my speculation out of its misery. Either see a great movie that I can be fanatical about, or see a lousy movie and just get it over with.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)