Originally posted by mozartmaid:
Originally posted by KatherineKent:

The people who watch LnC for the 'romance' and not because of any connection to the single character of Clark/Superman, probably won't watch Smallville.

The people who watch Smallville for the character of Superman (not Clark/Superman - just the macho superpowered hero aspect) will probably not watch LnC. Same with the teenage angst (ugh)
Interesting... cause I like both shows for the Lois and Clark relationship. I stayed away from Smallville for YEARS (finally tuned in around Season 9 and then had to go back and rewatch everything to get the story line)


Anyway, I guess what I really want to say is, if you love LnC, give Smallville a chance. The early seasons and just about ALL of the Lana stuff, has too much teenage angst and is quite immature. The later Clois is well-written, IMHO, and any fan of the characters of Lois and Clark, should really give it a chance! smile
Yeah, My part about the three different kinds of watchers (LnC only/both/SV) and how they crossover really only applies to Smallville seasons 1 to 4 (possibly up to season 7).

From season 8 onwards every LnC lover should at the very least 'appreciate' the series if not love it.

The only problem with starting at season 8 is seven years of back story and certain bits of important character history that you miss. It's a shame really. There are fabulous Lois bits from season 4 onwards - but only in rare episodes then gradually building in frequency.

Originally posted by LMA:
For lack of knowledge on my part, I had lumped the whole show into 'teenage angst', and had therefore not really given it a chance--but you make a great point about how a fan of the characters of Lois and Clark should give it a chance...everything Lois-related sounds great,
There is a LOT of teen angst and after watching the first few episodes you could be forgiven for lumping it all into that. But it does gradually fade. And even when the romance element is FULL of angst, there's still plenty of plot/action/super powers development and moral lessons to be learned.

You also mentioned about the great amount of time available for character development. 10 years is a long time. And covering the change from teenage to adulthood is probably the most intense time to cover. I know I love the Lois and Clark relationship, and the Clark character - both of which are full of character development, but if you start at season 8 one thing that gets missed completely is Lex's character development. He probably undergoes the biggest, most subtle, fantastic character development. He starts off good with a tiny bit of evil trying to break out. He fights it sooo hard. Then he moves to not bothering about small morally questionable things - as long as the outcome is for the good ... and so on .. till we get to 'evil with bits of good trying to break out' and eventually, in the episode Descent in season 7 ... all trace of the original Lex is gone.

It's a masterful transformation.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."