I am an outlier here in that as much as I love LnC, I also like Smallville (enough to have the entire sires on DVD.) While there are certainly series issues that drive me crazy, there are also a lot of positives. Of these, the best part is the Lois & Clark relationship over the last three seasons of the series. Consequently I was excited to see this here.

Thanks for the recommendation. I got through the first three chapters and decided to stop long enough to convert the story to epub so I can more easily read it on my phone.

I've been meaning to get to your Smallville stories. Now that I'm in Smallville-mode, I hope to get to them very soon. For sure I'm going to convert "The Kissing Booth" to epub so I can read it at my leisure.

If anyone else has any recommendations for Lois/Clark Smallville stories, especially longer ones, please share. I'm going to be traveling and would love to have some reading material.

Finally, If anyone would like a copy of the "En Tempus Veritas" epub, I'll be happy send it via email. Just drop me a note.
