Okay, so I've just spent hours (since my computer is a super slow wink connection) becoming familiar with the wonderful world of trailers! These are great! So many of my favorite stories are up there! And a few I hadn't read, but will now that the trailer's hooked me! What a great idea. Thanks for the link, Wendy. Someone had even done a trailer for my story Have A Little Faith in Me, I coudln't believe I hadn't heard about all of this earlier!!

Lovesuper97, yeah the original/slow version by Roxette is the best one!! I'd be interested to see a trailer or something with this song; I just couldn't do it myself. I honestly wouldn't know where to begin. How do people get the clips onto the computer? I am technologically illiterate!! blush I have the utmost respect for those who aren't!

Thanks for your imput, LabRat, about the hearing thing; I am thinking the same thing because every time I DO try to add even just one more line, it feels so glaringly obvious. And that's not what I want. I keep ending up with it being the way I had posted it. I can see all points on this, really, but in the end, I think I'm just going to do it that way and let people guess and others be pleasantly surprised.


~NICOLE laugh