Thanks Seme and JD smile

JD wrote:
I also forgot he had super-hearing, so that was a nice touch. goofy
Pam said the same thing! I'm wondering if it's not clear... or if I could add a line that would make it clearer, like when she saw him looking at her, it was "almost like he could hear her"... or is that too obvious? And then Wendy wrote that when they started whispering, she was waiting for the sign that Clark heard, so she was looking for it... I am not sure what the overall take was, though... Hmm...

Seme wrote:
Is there a possibility there might be a sequel? hyper
I hadn't thought about a sequel actually. I'll keep it in mind, if anyone would want to read a continuation. The downfall of Luthor, most likely wink

Thanks again, everyone! Glad you enjoyed the story!