Nicole, I would leave it as it is. Those who remember about Clark's hearing will have fun guessing whether or not he'll hear, and those who temporarily forget will realise as soon as he interrupts Lois and Luthor at the altar.

And anyone who doesn't figure it out then has the reminder later, in the section where you switch to Clark's point of view. It's all made clear there:

He’d made it all the way to the door.

And then…

He heard her voice. Her quiet whisper – almost like a plea – saying she did not want to get married.

He felt like his heart had stopped. And she continued.
I think adding in any reminder earlier would feel too obvious, as if you think readers couldn't possibly work it out for themselves. Whether we get it at the time or later, it still works. smile

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*