Hey! Sorry; I've been out of commission for a bit! Getting caught up on reading and whatnot now.

Sheila .... thank you for your suggestion about the hearing dilemma. It gives me food for thought. If anything, I will try to find a way to keep it about the same, so some people can have the fun of guessing and others can be pleasantly surprised when the POV switches. I've sent it to a GE, but I will brainstorm with her about it. Thanks for reading the story, and for your feedback smile

Lovesuper97, thanks for your comments too! I am not too familiar with trailers actually, but I do know the song you're talking about. It's a great song by Roxette. The group DHT recently made a techno remix of it as well. So I'm not sure which version you're thinking about. Most likely the original. Anyone who would want to do a trailer for this story is more than welcome to do so; I'd be so interested to see it! And I agree that this song works really well with this story. I AM actually interested in the whole music video aspect of all of this, but am not sure I have the means to do it; I wouldn't know how to begin to get my clips onto the computer. Is that what a trailer is? A music video? blush I'm lost!