Same twisted logic any plagiarist uses. Whether he's making a profit or giving them away is besides the point. At the very least common good manners would have prompted him into contacting you before he did anything with these videos. The fact that he didn't, says it all really.

As always with plagiarists, I just love the air of wounded innocence and absolute belief that he's done nothing wrong and is just 'misunderstood'. Yeah...right.

And why would anyone in their right mind go to him and buy these videos when we all know where to go to get them for free? It's only because the poor saps on Ebay who are bidding for them aren't aware they're available on the net that they're bidding at all. dizzy

Is it possible to contact the bidders on the auction directly, Andrea? I know that there is a rule about contacting bidders and asking them to withdraw, but I think that's to do with bidding tactics, not informing them that they're dealing with a thief who has no right to offer the material in the first place. And of course you can direct them to where they can get the material for free, rather than having to pay for them.

You are on a bit of a sticky wicket over copyright as technically you're using copyrighted material yourself, of course. But I'm not sure how Ebay can claim you can't prove these videos were made by you - surely they were uploaded to your website long before this plagiarist put them up for auction? So wouldn't you have upload dates? And you would have posts to the mbs announcing new videos wouldn't you? They would be dated months - years - before this guy got his hands on them.

Or are they just not interested in proof because they can't be bothered enforcing their own rules?

It may be worth persevering with them though. Through recent arguments with them on several points, I've learned that it generally takes about four or five emails with them arguing X before suddenly they're doing a U turn and agreeing with you. wink

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers