I've made several music videos. Each one took over 12 hours to make, one took over 30. If I got paid for those hours like I do at work, heck, I'd be rolling in cash. It takes a true, dedicated L&C fan to make music videos (or write good fanfic, or make fanfic trailers, etc.). You don't do it for the money (money? What money?), you do it because you love the show, and because you want others to feel that love you have, too. To have this person accuse you of not being a true L&C fan like they think they are is just preposterous. Like you didn't spend hours upon hours working on those, listening to those songs constantly, watching the show for clip ideas, and putting the videos together -- despite numerous software crashes, as video software seems to have a tendency to do. You have a DVD burner, you have the ability to make DVDs just like this guy/girl. You, too, let people see your videos for free. Yet he's the better fan because he... does... nothing, except maliciously "borrow" your hard work??? Yeah, I'm really seeing his/her logic there... except not. You may not own the rights to the songs, but then again, fanfic writers don't own the rights to the L&C characters. And seeing our fanfic get sold on ebay would be awful. I do hope that someday a fool-proof video format can be found, but I think people like this guy/girl will always find a way to take what doesn't belong to them, even if that means they're sitting in front of their computer with a video camera, recording the videos off the screen. Andrea, if you get enough interest re: putting them on DVD, I'll definitely buy one and I have a friend who I know would want one, too. Good luck.
