Thanks Kaethal, so many people tell me to contact Ebay, but I know they don't care. This person finally replied but the reply actually upset me more. Stating that so many people contacted him/her b/c they wanted to buy JUST the videos. Well, why couldn't this person contact me saying there some was some demand for the videos on DVD or CD, chosing instead to charge people for work that is not their own.

I offered to make another CD and or DVD but no one was interested so I decided not to. For now I'm working on making one for myself just to practice new ways of doing things. I can trim the static from around the videos and such, stuff like that which happens when you capture sometimes.

I thought there was an unwritten rule in FoLCdom about using other's works for your advantage. Mols said it best, if someone printed out someone elses fanfic and tried to sell it for a profit it would basically be the same exact thing.

Some people, just don't get it.

This person wants to work this out with me, but at the same time wants to continue to profit off my work. I really don't see a true bargaining chip in it, and considering I have years of medical bills to pay off he/she is really my least favorite person right now.
