My last dealings with an idiot.

man how could I forget that I'm a selfish witch! I told the jerk to stop putting my videos for sale, and that making the DVDs and selling them on Ebay inhibits them from ever coming out for real. I could get in a true fight with this person but choose to let him have the final inane word:

Listion all I was doing was trying to help the people that don't have the
abilty to download them, but I see that you don't want them to have it so I
guess they will go without. I'm sure you'll make them real happy. I can't
take them off the auctions I already have on ebay now but I will not put
them on any new auctions. And yes I had 4 e-mails the first day I put it on
and more since then. I'll tell them that you are selfish and only want your
little lois and clark fans to have them that visit your webpage. And incase
you haven't noticed the Lois and Clark tv show was canceled over 7 years ago
so I highly doubt it will ever be out on DVD. I'm helping the real lois and
clark fans. And EVERY copy that I've sold they knew that it was recorded off
tv and put on DVD. And give all those people that you told about me that
think that what I'm doing is heinous give them my e-mail address so I can
tell them the truth unlike what you told them I'm sure and they will
probably buy a copy themselfs. Thanks again


So, if you want to know who is behind the DVDs for sale on Ebay, there's a pretty picture.

L&C was cancelled over 7 years ago! OMG I did not know, I thought it was still on, boy do I feel stupid.

And if anyone wants his/her email I would be glad to give it out.