Because I know this could happen to anyone, knowing that WMVs can be edited again through Windows Movie Maker makes me despise Bill Gates as well. We need a video format that CANNOT be edited, and so far every one I have found can be. I first started putting logos on every frame, but that didn't seem to deter this jerk.

Here is his/her response to my email where I was very upset about finding that videos I spent MONTHS on this person was profiting off of. Not to mention selling illegal sets of DVDs for over 100 bucks a set. I emailed those bidding on them, but don't know if that will accomplish anything.

Sorry if I'm not making sense, I'm just very angry at the acusastions this jerk makes. I find it very hard to believe he/she recieved emails asking for JUST the videos on DVD, when I've offered this numerous times to little or no response. Not to mention I can make them so much better than the quality I put online.

OK well here's his/her asinine response:

Hi, Listen I'm really sorry but I think you have got this all mixed up. I am
probably more of a Lois and Clark fan than anyone! All I did was put them on
DVD and I was GIVING it to them along with the Season sets that I've been
selling as a bonus. And then I got so many e-mails about wanting to buy just
the music video's so I put a auction on ebay just for the music video's. If
you are a true Lois and Clark fan like I think you are you put them on the
web for people to download FREE and I am giving them for free and the 1
auction I'm selling I'm doing for the Lois and Clark fans that don't have it
where they can download it or be able to put it on DVD. For someone who
would want that they would have to buy a DVD burner, blank DVD's, DVD
creater software, and labels and cases. I'm just making it where thay can
get this without buying all that. And I never, never said
that they were mine or that I made them! If you want me to put your name on
them or website I would be happy to! Or if you would just really want me to
stop selling them I will, but you are taking it away from the ones that
don't have the abilty to download it or put it on DVD. Now thats not a true
Lois and Clark Fan! Please e-mail me back so we can work this out Thanks!!


Of course never giving his/her REAL name. Sure he/she has mine, probably deleted it out of every video he/she stole.

So basically for now I'm out of the video making business publicly. I will continue to make them for me and a few select friends, but will no longer be on the internet for thieves like this. How sad I need to think this way, so many jerks in this world. I know I may not own the rights to the songs, or the rights to the show, I made the videos for the expierience and for the fans and this person saying I'm not a true fan for being angry with what he's doing just angers me more.

Just wish people would stop bidding on this stuff, then he'd have no reason to continue.