I'd just like to point out, weather is a term used to look at atmospheric variables for a brief period of time. What everyone is talking about here is climate.

Climate represents weather (atmospheric conditions) over a long period of time. When we look at global warming and global cooling, we are looking at climate.

I believe global warming, and global cooling, are a natural phenomena because historical evidence in paleoclimatology has shown that climate has cycled on the planet between cold and warm for millions of years.
There have been previous warm events in a similar range to those of today, just as there have been cold spells (ice ages).

It could be argued that human (and animal) emissions may have aided in accelerating this current warm cycle. But I guess we will see if and what effect there is based on the duration of this warming period.

It is an interesting debate. And if I hadn't studied climatology at university, I don't think I would have as much understanding of how our atmospheric systems work (and have worked) and I might be 'sucked in' by a lot of the 'global warming' hype.

"He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too
It tickles in my tummy
He's so Yummy Yummy
Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box