Consensus, anyone? NOT! Anyone telling you there's a scientific consensus on global warming is selling you something.
LOL. Because no one in the right engages in greed-inspired propaganda? smile

My position hasn't changed that much from what I held last time this tired debate rolled around. After all, I am one of those people in academia poisoning young minds with my leftist agenda. Though sadly all, I can do is sneak it in between discussing the role of the "wa" particle in Japanese sentence construction.

In all seriousness though, if anything, I'm more cynical that we can get to any objective fact that both sides can agree on. Even if there is consensus, there will always be one side saying it's a big bad conspiracy. *shrug*

So while people bicker of who is ideologically right or wrong, I think Beth nails it on the head:

My opinion is that whether or not global warming actually exists, we should still take steps to treat our planet well.
And as an individual, that is what matters to me.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan