To no one's surprise, I also went with neither. Weather goes in cycles. The measurements of Mt. McKinley have been very telling in that when the ice thickens, we are approaching a cooling period and when it thins, we are approaching a warming period. For about two decades, the ice on McKinley was thinning, pointing to a warming period.

Over the last seven years, though, McKinley has been thickening to a very large degree, so we are now approaching a cooling period. It does not denote a trend. It just means that despite all the SUV's on the road, the globe is currently cooling. That doesn't mean it's not going to turn around and reverse itself in a few years.

Why do so many people believe in global warming? First, the left loves money as much as anyone else and there's a ton of money to be made with the hysteria about global warming. Remember that the left were the ones who spawned the global cooling hysteria in the 1970's. Second, the left controls academia, so they're poisoning the minds of the young, telling them that global warming is a fact, despite 31,000 scientists coming out against man-made global warming in a petition published by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Consensus, anyone? NOT! Anyone telling you there's a scientific consensus on global warming is selling you something. Third, the leftist media treats global warming as a fact, so gullible adults who still watch the 6:00 news (a dwindling group) believe the garbage they are being told.

Just watch. As soon as it becomes evident to even the left that we're actually cooling down (my state completely skipped spring as temps averaged 50 degrees this entire season and last summer was one of the coolest on record), the global cooling hysteria will be back.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin